Acupressure Points for Gas Relieve and Prevention

Acupressure Points for Gas Relieve and Prevention:

We live a healthy life according to what we eat. Also, for many of us, our modern way of eating packed, ready-eating meals has led to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and the well-known gas, a disrupted digestive system.

Acupressure Points for Gas Relieve and Prevention
Acupressure Points for Gas Relieve and Prevention

Many of us have, at some point or another, felt sore in the stomach, had heartburn, diarrhea, or suffered from gas caused by our food. The best way to treat these problems is by changing your diet. Other effective ways, such as acupressure points for gas relief, can be used in combination with healthier eating.

With these techniques, one can help relieve the painful effects that one occasionally finds in an upset digestive system.

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How to apply acupressure for gas relieves:

One finds different pressure points in the body to help with gas relief; however, before we provide you with the acupressure points, one needs to know how to apply pressure to them:

  • One always needs to remember to apply light pressure on all the provided acupressure points for gas
  • Remember to make sure to apply four levels of pressure and press deeper with every application
  • Once reaching the deepest point, one needs to massage this region with circular movements
  • One can also use essential oils while doing acupressure as the oil helps to massage right on the point for gas, or one can apply it after the acupressure treatments are done
  • Place yourself in a relaxing and comfortable position while taking deep breaths with your eyes closed when applying pressure to these points
  • If you cannot apply pressure by yourself, ask someone to assist you and repeat the acupressure therapy as often it helps to comfort and relax the body

Acupressure Points for Gas Relieve Infographic:

Acupressure Points for Gas Relieve Infographic:
Acupressure Points for Gas Relief

Pressure Points for treating gas:

Several pressure points in the hands, feet, and stomach system that treat gas need to be stimulated regularly. These points help with most stomach problems caused by improper food choices, irregular eating times, and fast eating. These points are known as stomach points, underneath knee points, lower back points, hand points, and foot points.

The Three Mile Point:

The Three Mile Point
The Three Mile Point

The Three Mile Point, also known as Stomach 36 or Zu San Li, refers to acupressure points that help reinforce energy while walking miles on end without feeling exhausted. One finds this point when bending one’s leg slightly and placing four fingers below one’s kneecap. Start with your index finger at the base of your kneecap and end where your little finger rests on the outer side of the shinbone.

More information about Acupressure Points for Constipation

Here, one finds a soft spot known as The Three Mile Point. Following the steps mentioned above, applying pressure helps with overall energy, boosts the immune system, and enhances the digestive system when one is vomiting and feels bloated, constipated, nauseous, and gasping.

Center of Power and Sea of Energy or Stomach points:

Center of Power and Sea of Energy or Stomach points
Center of Power and Sea of Energy or Stomach points

The stomach acupressure points above are easily found and positioned on the body’s middle line. The Center for Energy is situated above your navel, while the Sea of Energy is about 2 cm below the navel. Applying pressure to these reflexology points reduces stomach pain, constipation, abdominal contraction, and lower back pain and helps with emotional stress, heartburn, gas, and frustration.

The Grandfather Grandson foot point:

The Grandfather Grandson foot point
The Grandfather’s Grandson’s footprint

The grandfather-grandson foot point is situated about 1.25 cm gaps from your ankle on the curve. You need to apply pressure directly to the end of every day to relieve stomachaches, anxiety, abdominal pains, diarrhea, and nausea and to harmonize energy flow in the stomach to relieve gas.

Check out this: Acupressure Points for Weight Loss – Works in 1-2 Weeks

The Great Rushing and Three-Yin Crossing pressure point:

The Great Rushing and Three-Yin Crossing pressure point
The Great Rushing and Three-Yin Crossing pressure point

When stimulated, these two pressure points, the Great Rushing and Three Yin Crossing points, help relieve different ailments one finds in the stomach. The Great Rushing point is the webbing between your big and second toes. Stimulating this reflexology point helps ease nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting and improves gallbladder health. The Three Yin Crossing points use three finger widths above your inner ankle to relieve abdominal distention, colitis, flatulence, and gas.

Sea of Vitality, also known as the Lower Back Pressure Points:

Sea of Vitality also known as the Lower Back Pressure Points
Sea of Vitality, also known as the Lower Back Pressure Points

The Sea of Vitality acupressure points on the lower side of your waistline are easy to find and consist of four points. Applying pressure to these lower back points relieves indigestion (gas) and reduces abdominal and stomach pain. If one suffers from low back pain, one should prevent applying pressure to these points.

Hand Pressure Points:

Union Valley – one can find this pressure point between your thumb and index finger. Applying pressure to this reflexology point helps with overall intestinal function and relieves constipation, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

Union Valley
Union Valley

Outer Gate – one can find this point by using a 3-finger width above your wrist crease, on the outer side of your hand, and great for relieving vomiting and nausea associated with gas.

Crooked Pond – this pain-reducing point is found at the top of your elbow crease, at the edge of the joint. Applying pressure to this point helps to relieve abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation.

Crooked Pond
Crooked Pond

Inner Gate – here, one can find this point located by using a 3-finger width above your wrist crease, in the center of your arm, on the palm side of the hand, and great for relieving indigestion, anxiety, vomiting, and stomach aches.

Inner Gate
Inner Gate

Live Healthy and Eat Healthy with These Acupressure Points:

As mentioned above, acupressure points are great for gas relief and digestive problems. They can help gradually reduce gas in your stomach and some of the most common indigestion problems. Therefore, if you are bloated from being too full or have eaten too fast, avoid reaching for those harmful antacids, stretch your hand out, and massage these points, which will provide excellent gas relief!

Home Remedies for Intestinal Gas

Flatulence or gas in the intestinal tract is a common problem with everyone. The gas passes through the body out of the anus or mouth and is ordinary. There is nothing to be shy about; it is a natural occurrence. A fact is that the gas released depends on the food you eat, and for some, it causes problems.

You may get more flatulence if you swallow much air when eating or drinking. You must visit the doctor if you suffer from excessive gas and other digestive problems. The physician will have blood tests, X-rays, stool cultures, or an endoscopy to determine what is causing the symptoms.

However, other ways exist to get relief if you do not suffer from severe flatulence.

How Do You Relieve Gas Pain

Gas trapped inside the body is uncomfortable. Sometimes, it causes sharp pain, bloating, cramping, and swelling. Most people pass gas throughout the day, but constipation or diarrhea is the primary cause of gas blockage. Sometimes, the pain can become unbearable, and it is best to let it go.

Never hold it back, as it can cause discomfort, pain, and bloating. Here are some useful tips to prevent gas pain.

  • Pass Stool – bowel movement helps relieve gas pain by releasing the trapped gas in your intestines.
  • Eat Slowly – do not gobble your food down as you get a massive air intake, leading to discomfort. Chewing the food slowly aids digestion as the food is broken down.
  • Prevent Using Straws – a straw causes you to swallow air, and it is best to sip from the glass.
  • Drink Non-carbonated Drinks – gassy drinks cause a lot of gas in your tummy and make you feel bloated.
  • Eliminate Certain Foods— Think about the foods that cause more flatulence and try to stop eating them. Some foods that cause gas are artificial sweeteners, fried foods, dairy products, cabbage, garlic, and spicy foods.
  • Drink Herbal Tea— You can replace your regular tea with chamomile, ginger, anise, and peppermint, which aid digestion and reduce gas. Further, anise offers a mild laxative and helps with constipation. However, prevent drinking it if you have diarrhea.
  • Eat Fennel Seeds— this age-old solution helps release trapped wind. You can chew on a teaspoon of the seed. However, if you are breastfeeding or pregnant, avoid using it.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – to alleviate gas pain quickly, add a tablespoon of ACV to a glass of water and drink it before sitting down for a meal. After drinking, rinse your mouth with water to prevent it from eroding the tooth enamel.

How Do You Relieve Gas in Babies

Nothing is heartier than watching a baby cry because of winds and gas. Infants swallow air while growing as they suck a pacifier, breast, or bottle feed, and cry a lot to get attention.

The latter cause trapped air in the belly, making them bloated and uncomfortable. Sometimes, the flatulence becomes so severe it cries all the time.

Your child’s digestive tract grows, and gas becomes less of a problem. So, what can you do to relieve gas in babies? Try the following steps:

  • While breast or bottle-feeding, keep your child’s head higher than their stomach. The milk will sink to the bottom of their stomach while the air moves to the top. Doing this helps them burp the gas out. Make sure you tip the bottle to prevent air bubbles in the nipple.
  • Make sure to burp your baby between and after drinking to prevent gas pains. If the baby does not eject, you can lay them down on their back for a few minutes and try again.
  • If you find your baby is swallowing many winds, try to switch the nipple out with one that has a slower flow.
  • Alternatively, you can gently massage the wind out by pumping the legs back and forth as if they are riding a bike. You do this by laying them on their back. You can also give them tummy time or a warm bath to help eliminate trapped gas.

How to Relieve Gas Pain in the Back

Bloating and gas pain in the back occurs when your abdomen fills with air. The gas makes your belly larger and feels stiff or tight. Further, it causes discomfort in your back area. As your back is your stabilizing system and support of the body, you can feel pain with abdominal bloating.

Some possible causes for these symptoms are:

  • Menstruation
  • Premenstrual Syndrome
  • Pregnancy
  • Endometriosis
  • Gallstones
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Kidney Stones
  • Urinary Tract Infection and the list goes on

That is why it is essential to check if home remedies or over-the-counter medicines are not working. However, if you do not have the pain regularly, some treatments can help.

  1. Drink a lot of water and prevent carbonated drinks
  2. Reduce drinking through straws as it allows in more air to the stomach
  3. Prevent eating foods that cause gas and balance food intake with soluble and insoluble fiber such as beans, oats, wheat bran, and green vegetables.
  4. For back pain caused by gas, you can use ice or heat packs for 10 minutes to relieve the discomfort.
  5. Alternatively, you can massage the area for extra relief.
  6. Exercise as it helps with bloating and reduces back pain.
  7. Another fantastic home remedy is to drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a glass of water.

How Do You Relieve Gas after a Laparoscopic Surgery?

Having Laparoscopic surgery can leave you uncomfortable after the procedure. The reason is that you are pumped full of CO2 gas in the abdomen. The gas inflates the stomach, making it visible to the surgeon. Further, CO2 protects your intestines during surgery by putting the pressure back on the organs.

Once the surgeries are completed, the CO2 is released from the body, but some gas becomes trapped inside, causing discomfort. You can use heating pads to provide relief, but they can cause swelling, and it is best not to apply to the bare skin. Alternatively, you can drink hot tea, one of the best gastrointestinal motility to relieve gas pain. You can take some Smooth Move tea with you.

On the other hand, you can take Colace or Simethicone medication as it allows the gas bubbles to move through the body quickly. Further, gently massage the abdomen to reduce shock to your body.

What Relieves Gas?

Whether you have flatulence in the chest or intestines, there are different home remedies to help relieve gas. The important thing is to drink plenty of fluids, not the bubbly ones. Alternatively, you can get over-the-counter medications like Antacids or Gas-X.

On the other hand, you can follow some natural home remedies instead:

  • Drink Some Peppermint Tea

Drinking or taking peppermint supplements helps reduce ailments, from nausea to gas. It is best to talk to your doctor as it can interfere with iron absorption in some medications. Some people found it gives them heartburn as well. If you drink the tea, consume it before a meal for the best results.

  • Chamomile Tea

The tea can help reduce trapped gas, bloating, and indigestion problems. Drink the tea before meals and bedtime.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

You can dilute a tablespoon of the vinegar in water and drink it up to three times a day before meals.

  • Take part in physical activity

Take a jumping rope, walk, or run, as it helps to release trapped gas.

  • Cloves

The herbs are generally used for cooking, but you can replace them with clove oil, which helps to reduce bloating and gas. After meals, you can drink up to five drops of the oil in a glass of water. The fantastic thing is that the oil also helps with toothaches.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to flatulence, it is healthy and vital to release it. You do not want to end up with discomfort. The best way to prevent it from happening is by sitting down for a meal and eating slowly. Try to avoid drinking soda drinks and work some exercise into your routine. Look at what you are eating and eliminate those foods causing the problem. It is usually not dangerous, but if it continues and causes discomfort for days, visit your doctor.

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