What are Acupressure Points?

What are Acupressure Points?

They are meridian points on the skin’s surface – also called trigger points. They are all over your body, but you need to know where to find them and how to use them if you want to try acupressure for yourself. You may already have a pretty good idea about acupressure from having experienced it or received it for health reasons. You’ve probably had someone press these spots on your body that feel so good that you lie there and sigh with relief.

This article will outline the more common ones, such as those on the face and head; however, hundreds of others are out there, especially on the rest of your body. We’ll come back and cover them later.

How does Acupuncture work exactly?

Acupuncture meridians run along the body in a specific direction, and all have numbers. In Chinese terminology, there are 12 primary meridians, each with its corresponding internal organ. Each of these meridians is connected to specific points on your body—some are located on the surface of your skin, while others are deep inside the muscle tissue.

Most acupressure points can be found around joints or muscles attached to bones. These trigger points treat pain and many other physical ailments by releasing endorphins that promote healing.

Acupressure is an alternative medicine technique that involves applying pressure with the fingertips at specific, precise locations on the body. It is similar to Acupuncture, which uses needles, but acupressure does not penetrate the skin.

Acupressure has been used for centuries in Asia for healing purposes. It is commonly used to relieve pain and tension and promote relaxation.

Many different body points can be used for acupressure, but some of the most common ones are on the face and head.

These points include:

-The point between your eyebrows (known as the “third eye” or “spiritual gate”)

-The temples

-The top of your head (known as the “crown”)

-The point just below your lower lip (known as the “biting point”)

-Your chin

-Behind your earlobes

To use the above points, apply firm pressure with your fingertips directly on them for one to two minutes. As with any self-treatment, it is essential to consult a physician before trying acupressure (or any other complementary therapy).

Acupressure may not be suitable if you have certain health conditions or are taking certain medications. You should never delay seeking medical advice if you think you are ill; contact your doctor if symptoms persist.

Well, they’re all over your body, but I’ve listed 8 points (with their Chinese name) that many people use and find beneficial. Please let me know in the comments if my list doesn’t include anything you like.

Now, onto the main event: stimulating these points for better health and well-being.

To stimulate acupressure points, you can use your fingers, thumbs, or a massage tool in several different ways. If you’re using your fingers, you should simultaneously apply pressure with all four. If you’re using your thumbs, you should use the side of your thumb and press sincerely. If you’re using a massage tool, ensure it has a rounded end so it won’t hurt your fingers.

Here are some general instructions for how to stimulate acupressure points:

-Always aim to relax while stimulating points; take slow, deep breaths and allow yourself to feel calm and peaceful.

-Press the point firmly but gently, constantly checking that you’re not pressing too hard. If you experience pain, stop applying pressure immediately.

Now, I’ll demonstrate how to stimulate a few of these points.

The ‘Spiritual Gate’ Point:

This acupressure point is found directly between the eyebrows, at the top of your nose – often called the “third eye.”

To stimulate it using your fingers:

-Start by gripping your wrist with your opposite hand (so if you’re right-handed, grab your left wrist). Then, place three fingers from that hand onto the center of your forehead, ensuring they are spread evenly across it. -Next, apply firm pressure with all three fingers simultaneously and hold for one minute.

-Then, move onto the acupressure point between your eyebrows and apply firm pressure with all four fingers simultaneously, holding for one to two minutes.

The Temple Points:

Your temples are on either side of your head, about half an inch above your eyebrows. To stimulate them using your fingers:

Start by gripping your wrist with the opposite hand again (so if you’re right-handed, grab your left wrist). Then, place three fingers from that hand onto each temple, spreading them evenly to stimulate both points equally.

Next, apply firm pressure with all three fingers simultaneously and hold each point for up to one minute.

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