Acupressure Points for Anxiety Relief – Home Remedies for Anxiety

Acupressure Points for Anxiety Relief – Home Remedies for Anxiety:

Did you know that there are acupressure points for anxiety relief? Almost all of us, at some time or another, have experienced some form of anxiety. Your heart starts beating fast in your chest, and you struggle to breathe and feel as if your heart will crash at any moment. This stressful feeling is generally known as a panic attack or heart palpitation.

Acupressure Points for Anxiety Relief

However, these feelings are often harmless, but recurring palpitations can be a health concern related to the heart and, in most cases, triggered by anxiety. This type of problem is mainly triggered in people who suffer from anxiety and nervousness or, in some cases, caused by one’s heart missing a beat.

Acupressure Points for Anxiety Relief:

Palpitation is confusing and distressing, but one can successfully treat it with acupressure treatment, which is excellent for relaxing the entire body. Not only does it relax the body, but it also helps to circulate relaxation throughout the body. As one feels more relaxed, one starts feeling physically and emotionally better and can achieve a new outlook on underlying issues!

Check out this: Acupressure Points for Weight Loss – Works in 1-2 Weeks

Acupressure Points for Anxiety Relief Infographic:

Acupressure Points for Anxiety Relief Infographic

The Main Causes of Palpitation:

Various factors play an important role when one has a flutter in the chest, causing health conditions as follows:

  • Panic attacks
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Low potassium in the bloodstream
  • Acute stress response
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Excessive use of caffeine
  • Atrial Fibrillation
  • PVCs also was known as premature ventricular contractions
  • Bipolar disorder
  • A deficiency in Vitamin B12

Acupressure Points for Anxiety:

Here, we have a wider range of acupressure points that one can use to help one relax. These points often trigger a chain of reactions when it comes to insight and thoughts that overcome fear, nervousness, and anxiety.

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Triple Warmer 15 – TW15:

Triple Warmer 15 – TW15

The following pressure point, the Triple Warmer 15, is frequently used for treating anxiety and helps one relax and prevent vibration. One finds this point, also known as the Heavenly Rejuvenation, located on both of your shoulders, midway between the base of your neck and the outer side of the shoulders, about 1 ½ inches below the top.

To activate this acupressure point on both shoulders, one needs to curve your fingers and place the right hand on the right shoulder while placing your left hand on the left shoulder. By firmly pressing the points, the person needs to take long and deep breaths, keeping the eyes closed. This, in turn, helps to reduce tension in the neck and stiffness in the shoulders and is a great way to increase resistance to fever and colds.

Bladder 10 – B10:

Bladder 10 – B10

This powerful pressure point is known as the Bladder 10 or Heavenly Pillar and is excellent for treating anxiety disorders. One finds this Acupoint situated below the basis of one’s skull and found with one finger width when placed as it is on the prominent muscle ½ inch on the outer side of the spine.

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Place your fingertips on the ropy muscles found on the neck and press firmly in this region while the person takes slow and deep breaths. This helps to relieve stress, insomnia, exhaustion, eye problems, neck pain, stiffness, sore throat, anxiousness, nervousness, and anxiety.

Pericardium 3 – P3:

Pericardium 3 – P3

The Crooked Marsh or Pericardium 3 is another efficient acupressure therapy point to control vibration and anxiety. When bending the arm, one finds this point on the inside of your arm, at the lower edge of your elbow. One can stimulate these pressure points on both arms by firmly pressing them with your thumb for one minute. (always remember to breathe intensely through your nose while doing this.) You will notice your body letting go of nervous tension, which is also great for elbow, wrist, nausea, and chest discomfort.

Pericardium 6 – P6:

Pericardium 6 – P6

Applying pressure to the Pericardium 6 is a powerful point for palpitation treatment and prompts quick healing. This acupressure point is in the center of the inside of your forearm, two ½-inch finger widths from your wrist crease. One can stimulate this point on both hands; apply firm pressure using the index finger for one minute while breathing through your nose. It also helps treat nausea, anxiety, stomach ailments, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, and motion sickness.

Heart 7 – H7

Heart 7 – H7

The Spirit Gate or H7 is one more effective acupressure point that can solve problems of nervousness, palpitation, and anxiety naturally. One finds this Acupoint on the little finger side of your forearm, at the crease of the wrist. One can activate this point on both hands while using your middle finger for one minute and remember to breathe deeply through the nose. It brings emotional balance and rids palpitation, anxiety, forgetfulness, insomnia, irritability, epilepsy, stupor, and cardiac pain.

Governing Vessel 24.5 – GV 24.5:

Governing Vessel 24.5

Another powerful acupressure therapy point for treating anxiety is the Governing Vessel 24.5 or the Third Eye Point. One finds this point precisely between your eyebrows, where the bridge of the nose meets your forehead. Bring your palms together and place them on this point while closing your eyes. Press the Acupoint with your index finger for one minute and take long, slow breaths. This will help your body to calm down and is excellent for anxiety, insomnia, eye problems, vertigo, dizziness, nose congestion, and headaches.

Conception Vessel 17 – CV 17:

Conception Vessel 17

The Sea of Tranquility or Conception Vessel 17 is vital to help alleviate anxiety-related palpitations. One finds this pressure point in the middle of your breastbone using a 3-thumb measurement up from the inferior edge of one’s bones. Press firmly with the thumbs for 1 – 2 minutes with slow, deep breathing. It also helps to provide emotional balance to the body and is excellent for chest tension and treating coughs and asthma.

Liver 3 – LV 3:

The Foot

With the Liver 3 pressure point, one can effectively control anxiety on the top side of your foot, in the webbing between the second and big toe. One can activate this acupressure therapy point on both feet by using your index finger for one minute. It is also an excellent pacifier for stress, promotes relaxation, helps with the liver, and assists with IQ. These points are known for helping with high blood pressure and other ailments.

Gall Bladder 13 – GB 13:

Gall Bladder 13 – GB 13

The Mind Root or Gall Bladder 13 is another pressure point that is helpful against anxiety. One locates this point with one palm width inside your hairline from the outer edge of your eyebrow. You can stimulate this point on both sides of your head using your fingers for one minute. It helps calm your mind, relieves anxiety, and is a focal point for headache treatment.

Kidney 27 – K 27:

The Collar Bone Pressure Point

This is a popular point known as the Kidney 27 or Shu Mansion and is extremely powerful for treating different diseases or health issues. One finds this acupressure point under the collarbone in the hollow adjoining the breastbone. One can activate this point on both sides by applying light pressure with the tip of your index finger and middle fingers for one minute. It cures mental strain, anxiety, palpitation, irritability, fatigue, and headaches.

Now that you know, the acupressure points for anxiety relief stimulate them to your heart’s content and relax your senses, mind, and body the natural way!

Anxiety Relief—All You Need to Know to De-stress:

Anxiety, panic attacks, and hyperventilation are common in many people. The generalized problem happens when you face stress, such as work and school. It can also start with a fear caused by anything that harmed you as a child, and now you face the same problem.

Apprehension can happen anytime and feels like intense fear, with symptoms of chest pain and difficulty breathing. Hyperventilating (over-breathing) is a common occurrence. The more shallow the breath, the more oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood are affected. This leads to dizziness, chest pain, breathing faster, and other unpleasant symptoms.

However, even if you travel from one doctor to another, there are other solutions to help relieve anxiety. We are here to help you on your way to de-stress and face your anxiety attacks when they happen.

Meditation for Anxiety Relief

No matter what you suffer from, stress or anxiety, meditation can help relieve both. Nevertheless, how do you meditate for anxiety relief? The answer is there is no single way to do meditation.

That is why we want to provide you with simple tips for meditating at home. However, remember that it does feel weird at first.

Further, your mind will tell you you are wasting your time. Sit and think about what you have to lose. Give it a try. You will not waste your time. Here are nine easy steps:

  • Commit to 30 minutes of daily meditation—you can start with five minutes and gradually work up to 30 minutes. Further, try to do it as often as you can.
  • Eliminate all the distractions – choose a time and place with the slightest disturbance.
  • Get comfortable and relaxed – stretch your body as it loosens the muscles and gets you into the zone.
  • Choose a comfortable position— you can lie down or sit up, as it is a personal choice. Make sure you sit with a straight spine and your hands on the lap. No matter in what position you meditate, make sure to be comfortable.
  • Get your mind focused – yes, your brain will wander, but the key is to focus on the present moment, not the past or future. You can meditate with your eyes open or closed and all personal preferences. Put some peaceful music on and relax.
  • Breathe slowly and deeply— Take a few slow and deep breaths once your eyes are closed. Start by inhaling through the nose and exhaling from the mouth. Never force it; let it come out naturally. As you inhale, you will notice you are more relaxed and calm.
  • Bring your mind back to breathing. If your mind wanders, it is best to start concentrating on your inhaling.
  • Ending your meditation: Once you are ready to finish it, open your eyes and start standing up slowly.

The more you follow the tips, the easier it becomes to keep your mind focused on one thing at a time. As with everything, practice makes perfect. You will eventually feel at peace, happy, and calm.

How Do You Breathe for Anxiety Relief?

How many times have you started to hyperventilate from anxiety? You know how uncomfortable it gets as you cannot breathe and get a lump in the throat with dizziness. As a result, what can you do to avoid this from happening? You can reverse the symptoms by changing your breathing.

As you shift your breathing pattern, you become relaxed and calm, leaving you to breathe normally. Further, it helps decrease oxygen consumption, you breathe slower, and muscle tension decreases. When you hyperventilate, you breathe from your upper lungs instead of the lower part.

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Slowly start to inhale air through the nose and fill up your lungs.
  2. Exhale slowly and continue with the gentle breathing pattern to relax and concentrate on filling the lower lungs.
  3. Alternatively, you can take a long, slow breath through your nose and hold it for a count of three. Now, exhale slowly through the lips.
  4. Lastly, you can sit comfortably, take a deep breath, and exhale while saying relax. Please close your eyes and take ten easy breaths as you count them. Now, while breathing, pay attention to where the most tension is in your body. As you count back, think about the tension, start loosening away from it, and once you reach one, open your eyes.

Apply these skills in your daily living and try to change your negative thoughts with your breathing. Secondly, concentrate on helping lessen the concerns, as it will help you in an anxiety attack.

How Do You Get Instant Anxiety Relief?

Do you want to handle your anxiety and get instant relief? It is possible by sticking to a routine, eating healthy, and exercising. However, if you have days pushing you over the edge, you can follow the next methods to help relax your mind and body.

  1. Slow down your breathing.

Depending on your body, decide which one works best for you while hyperventilating. Some people find that breathing slower causes a feeling of suffocation. The best is to try both slow, deep breaths and slow, shallow breaths. By doing this, you can determine which one works best for you. You need to slow down but not feel discomfort.

  1. Give Lavender a Try

Rub some infused lavender lotion or essential oil on the temples, collarbone, and hands to bring you back to calmness. Use actual lavender and not one with synthetic perfume. By inhaling, it brings a relaxed sensation to the body.

  1. Wash your face.

When you start feeling anxious, go to the bathroom and wash your face to reboot your mind. By doing this, you distract your mind from the feelings you have. Ensure the water is cold; do this at least ten times, and pat dry.

  1. Listen to music

Listen to your favorite tunes that put your mind at peace. The music can be sad, playful, or sweet. Music helps you relax and will take your mind off the anxiety.

  1. Focus on something else.

Depending on where you are, you can touch anything else and focus on it. For example, you could clean your keyboard room or try to make a paper swan. By making the object part of your attention, you can focus on it instead of thinking about the thing that caused your panic.

  1. Do some forward-bending

Touch your toes, and you will feel calm. It helps you to do something tangible instead of stressing about the problem.

  1. Admit that you have an anxiety problem.

Please sit down, observe your feelings, and describe them to yourself. Maybe you feel your heart racing or your head throbbing. Perhaps you feel trapped. Do not judge yourself, downplay your emotions, or feel guilty, as it worsens things. Doing this reminds you that you have ways to manage your anxiety and rid yourself of the bad feelings.

Does Natural Care Anxiety Relief Work?

You have looked at some methods to calm you down but still feel you need more. You have seen the Natural Care Anxiety Relief tablets but are unsure if it will help. Different anxiety sufferers use the medication paired with the techniques to help them feel relaxed.

However, you need to remember that if you do have a mental disorder like depression, these pills will not help. Furthermore, you get two types of psychotherapy forms to treat the problem. The first is behavioral therapy, which teaches you to change your breathing to slow and deep.

The second is cognitive-behavioral therapy, which teaches you to understand your thinking patterns. Doing this helps you to react differently to the situation causing the problem. You can do both therapies with a safe and natural OTC Anxiety Medicine that does not have side effects.

Natural Care is one of those natural products and is highly recommended by thousands. The tablet brings instant relief to minor anxiety, does not contain synthetic substances, and does not require a prescription—the medications are made with eleven homeopathic remedies and natural herbs.

According to users, you must take two to three tablets every 30 minutes until the symptoms improve. You can use it with your other medication, but it will not solve your anxiety problem.

How Do You Pray for Anxiety Relief?

According to different studies, praying might help to alleviate your anxiety. However, it depends on how secure your relationship is with your God. For some people, prayer can help with anxiety relief, but it can also hurt. Therefore, it all depends on what you believe.

Some people find happiness and satisfaction when they pray and speak to God, some find no well-being at all, and others see a negative correlation. For some people, God is a comfort, but if you do not believe in the creator, the outcome may differ and is all related to your preferences and beliefs.

Final Thoughts

Personally, anxiety relief is possible by changing your mindset. For those of you who suffer from panic attacks and other stress-related concerns, getting your breathing back to normal is essential. Secondly, you need to face your demons causing the hyperventilation and get your mind and body to relax. Thirdly, no matter what you believe in, no pill can take away the anxiety, as you still need to face the problem again tomorrow.

Relax your body and mind, and start thinking positively. We hope the techniques in this article help you find inner peace.

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